Monday, November 24, 2008

It's Been a While...

But I have an excuse, I promise. Actually, I have lots of excuses. Let's see, in the 4 1/2 months (WOW! It has been a while) since I last wrote I have been busy with...

-Jordan coming home
-Getting engaged
-Enrolled full time at 2 different colleges pursuing two different programs
-Started teaching full time- Special Education no less (If you want funny stories you will have to ask Jordan. He does the best impressions of my class)
-Got married (Pictures to come)
-Moved out of my parents house (a larger feat than it sounds)
-Finished and presented my Masters project. I AM FINALLY DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course when Miqui texted asking, "How does it feel to never have to go to school if you don't want to," I had to laugh. I still have at least 2 more years. Stupid Special Ed. Credential.

Wow, when written down that doesn't really look like very much huh? It sure seemed like a heck of a lot more as I was working through it... I guess the old saying is true "Sometimes that mountain you've been climbing is just a grain of sand." But, I promise all of these reasons are really good reasons for me not blogging....
Of course, the only reason I am blogging now is I was looking for an excuse to not mop the kitchen floor. Jordan and I are leaving for Sacramento on Wednesday and I want the house clean. I just am having a hard time working up the gumption to actually do it... Shoot, I have nothing else to say so now I've run out of excuses. Off to mop the floor....


Mayor of CrazyTown said...

You're still newlyweds. Soon you will learn that you don't need an excuse not to mop.

Mayor of CrazyTown said...

Oh, and I didn't do a fraction of the stuff you've been doing, and I still don't want to mop. You can do mine while you're here.

Marti said...

This is when you bat you eyes at Jordan and ask him to mop the floor, and wear something lacy while asking

Favorite Books

  • Barrington Family Saga
  • Anita Stansfield...anything by her
  • Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
  • Deep Blue Eyes and Other Lies
  • Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher