Monday, June 23, 2008


This past week sucked. That is all I can say to sum it up and this new week hasn't really started off that great. I hate being sick. 

 Oh well,  I suppose. Tomorrow after all is a new day and hopefully it will be a better one. Before you think that this past week was a total waste, a few redeeming events occurred. I was officially issued my preliminary single subject credential. Don't believe me? Go check it out yourself here. Isn't that so cool? Yeah, I am pretty stoked. And guess what, you should be too! :)

Now just a few more years of school and I will never have to darken the door of a college class again. That is of course, unless I am the professor. 

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Favorite Books

  • Barrington Family Saga
  • Anita Stansfield...anything by her
  • Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
  • Deep Blue Eyes and Other Lies
  • Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher