Thursday, June 19, 2008

this is me...

blogging. Okay, now I am done. I am going to go shower now. Trust me, if you were within smelling distance you would appreciate it. I will come back and write some more later.


Anonymous said...

Soooo three days later and you still haven't come back to write more. You need to blog more!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jessie, Erica has a blog!!!!!! Here is her address .We have to make sure we give her plenty of opportunities to make a goober of herself so that she has something to blog about....but I doubt she will need our help. Now everyone in our family has a blog...I guess when the time comes you are going to need to make Jordan get a blog.

Favorite Books

  • Barrington Family Saga
  • Anita Stansfield...anything by her
  • Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
  • Deep Blue Eyes and Other Lies
  • Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher