Monday, April 21, 2008

Of Mice and

I have several class pets. We had seven but unfortunately a few days ago Armageddon (serves me right for naming him that) was sent to the porcelain gods- if you know what I mean. So now we are down to: Arlin the Ninja (I have a pencil sharpener whose name is Samurai Tornado Man. I only felt it fair to represent two Asian cultures warriors), Alfredo, Archemedes, Alvin, Agnus and Algernon. Yes, I have a theme going....

So anyways. For the most part my students are absolutely wonderful with my animals. It has been a great way for some of my less do I put this in a way that wouldn't get me fired... uninvolved, nonresponsive, less than approachable students connect in my classroom. Sometimes the biggest punk on the playground, if given an animal that depends on it, become the best student in class. However, there are some kids that are not as sweet. Today one of my students left Agnus a little traumatized. So she was in need of a little extra love. I had one of my college classes, which was conviently being held on my campus, tonight so I decided to put Agnus in my pocket and take her with me. She provided all sorts of entertainment as she loves to peek out of my pocket and see the world. She will crawl all over my shirt but is very good about not falling off. So, besides freaking out my professor and some of my classmates it was a great class.

I had something to entertain me! So, thank goodness for class pets!


Anonymous said...

You are truly a nerdy science teacher but we love you anyways. And the term you are looking for to define your student are punk asses. Never forget you cant polish a turd

Crazy Me... said...

amen to that. Do you think I can get that quote on a plaque somewhere?

Favorite Books

  • Barrington Family Saga
  • Anita Stansfield...anything by her
  • Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
  • Deep Blue Eyes and Other Lies
  • Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher